
The core module is transfered to the remote process and will bootstrap pipe communication.

It creates default channels and dispatches commands accordingly.

class implant.core.BaseHeaderItem(*, default=None, encoder=None, decoder=None)[source]

Bases: object

A base item of a header.

static decode(value)[source]

Decode the value of that item.


Encode the value of that item.


Set the index of the item in the header.

class implant.core.Channel(name=None, *, send, loop=None)[source]

Bases: asyncio.queues.Queue

Channel provides means to send and receive messages bound to a specific channel name.


Receive the next message in this channel.

__init__(name=None, *, send, loop=None)[source]

Initialize the channel.

  • name – the channel name
  • send – the partial send method of Channels
  • loop – the event loop
coroutine pop()[source]

Get one item from the queue and remove it on return.

send = None

The send method bound to this channel’s name. See Channels.send() for details.

coroutine send_iteration(iterable)[source]

Send an iterable to the remote.

class implant.core.Channels(reader, writer, *, loop=None)[source]

Bases: object

Hold references to all channel queues and route messages accordingly.

__init__(reader, writer, *, loop=None)[source]

Create a Channels instance which delegates incomming messages into their appropriate Channel queues.

coroutine _finalize_message(buffer, chunk)[source]

Finalize the message if Header.eom is True.

This will also acknowledge the message if Header.send_ack is True.

coroutine _read_chunk()[source]

Read a single chunk from the Channel.reader.

coroutine _receive_reader()[source]

Start reception of messages.

coroutine _send_ack(uid)[source]

Send an acknowledgement message.

acknowledgements = None

Global acknowledgment futures distinctive by uid.

chunk_size = 32768
coroutine enqueue()[source]

Schedule receive tasks.

Incomming chunks are collected and stored in the appropriate channel queue.


Create a channel and weakly register its queue.

Parameters:channel_name – the name of the channel to create
Returns:Channel instance with a bound send method
incomming = None

A collection of all active channels.

log = <logging.Logger object>
coroutine send(channel_name, data, ack=False, compress=6)[source]

Send data in a encoded form to the channel.

  • channel_name – the name of the channel
  • data – the python object to send
  • ack – request acknowledgement of the reception of that message
  • compress – compress the data with zlib

Messages are split into chunks and put into the outgoing queue.

class implant.core.Chunk(header, channel_name, data)

Bases: tuple


Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

static __new__(_cls, header, channel_name, data)

Create new instance of Chunk(header, channel_name, data)


Return a nicely formatted representation string


Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values.

classmethod _make(iterable, new=<built-in method __new__ of type object at 0xa385c0>, len=<built-in function len>)

Make a new Chunk object from a sequence or iterable


Return a new Chunk object replacing specified fields with new values


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0

class implant.core.Command(**parameters)[source]

Bases: object

Common ancestor of all Commands.

command_name = 'implant.core:Command'

Data to be dispatched.

parameters = {}
class implant.core.CommandRemote(full_classname)[source]

Bases: object

Delegates remote task to another class.

This is usefull, if one wants not to import remote modules at the master side.

log = <logging.Logger object>
coroutine prepare()[source]

Import the module for remote class.


Set remote class.

class implant.core.ConnectionLostStreamReaderProtocol(*args, connection_lost_cb, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: asyncio.streams.StreamReaderProtocol

Call a callback on connection_lost.


Called when the connection is lost or closed.

The argument is an exception object or None (the latter meaning a regular EOF is received or the connection was aborted or closed).

class implant.core.Core(loop, *, echo=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Core starts the Dispatcher.

coroutine communicate(reader, writer)[source]

Start the dispatcher and register the ShutdownRemoteEvent.

On shutdown:
  1. the import hook is removed
  2. the Dispatcher.dispatch task is stopped
  3. the Channels.enqueue task is stopped
coroutine connect(*, stdin, stdout, stderr=None)[source]

Connect to stdin and stdout pipes.

coroutine connect_sysio()[source]

Connect to sys.stdin and sys.stdout.


We kill the process on connection lost, to avoid orphans.

log = <logging.Logger object>
classmethod main(debug=False, log_config=None, *, loop=None, **kwargs)[source]

Start the event loop and schedule core communication.

static setup_import_hook(module_finder)[source]

Add module finder to sys.meta_path.

setup_logging(debug=False, log_config=None)[source]

Setup a minimal logging configuration.

static teardown_import_hook(module_finder)[source]

Remove a module finder from sys.meta_path.

class implant.core.CustomEncoder[source]

Bases: object

Encode custom objects registered before.

class implant.core.DispatchCommand(fqin, command_name, command_class, command_module, params)[source]

Bases: implant.core.DispatchMessage

Arguments for a command dispatch.

log = <logging.Logger object>
class implant.core.DispatchException(fqin, exception, tb=None)[source]

Bases: implant.core.DispatchMessage

Remote execution ended in an exception.


alias of implant.core.DispatchContext

class implant.core.DispatchMessage(fqin)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for command dispatch communication.

coroutine __call__(dispatcher)[source]

Executes appropriate Dispatcher methods to implement the core protocol.

log = <logging.Logger object>
class implant.core.DispatchReady(fqin)[source]

Bases: implant.core.DispatchMessage

Set the dispatch ready.


alias of implant.core.DispatchContext

class implant.core.DispatchResult(fqin, result=None)[source]

Bases: implant.core.DispatchMessage

The result of a remote execution.

class implant.core.Dispatcher(channels, *, loop=None)[source]

Bases: object

Enables execution of Command s.

A Command is split into local and remote part, where a context with a dedicated Channel is provided to enable streaming of arbitrary data. The local part also gets a remote future passed, which resolves to the result of the remote part of the Command.

__init__(channels, *, loop=None)[source]

Create a dispatcher, which executes messages on its own Channel to enable Command execution and communication via distinct Channel s.

coroutine _execute_channels()[source]

Execute messages sent via our Dispatcher.channel.

channel = None

A channel for the dispatcher itself.

channels = None

The collection of all channels.

coroutine dispatch()[source]

Start sending and receiving messages and executing them.

coroutine execute(command_name, **params)[source]

Execute a command.

First creating the remote side and its future and second executing its local part.

coroutine execute_dispatch_command(fqin, command_name, params)[source]

Create a command and execute it.

coroutine execute_remote(fqin, command)[source]

Execute the remote part of a Command. This method is called by a DispatchCommand message. The result is send via Dispatcher.channel to resolve the pending command future.

local_context(fqin, remote_future)[source]

Create a local context to pass to a Command s local part.

The Channel is built via a fully qualified instance name (fqin).

log = <logging.Logger object>
pending_commands = None

Futures of Command s which are not finished yet.

pending_dispatches = None

A collection of dispatches, which are still not finished.

remote_context(fqin, pending_remote_task)[source]

Create a remote context to pass to a Command s remote part.

The Channel is built via a fully qualified instance name (fqin).

remote_future(fqin, command)[source]

Create a context for remote command future by sending DispatchCommand and returning its pending future.

set_dispatch_exception(fqin, tb, exception)[source]

Set an exception for a pending command.


Sets the pending dispatch ready, so the command execution continues.

set_dispatch_result(fqin, result)[source]

Set a result for a pending command.

class implant.core.ExceptionEncoder[source]

Bases: object

Encoder for Exception.

class implant.core.FindSpecData(**parameters)[source]

Bases: implant.core.Command

Find spec data for a module to import from the remote side.

command_name = 'implant.core:FindSpecData'

Define a Command parameter.

coroutine local(context)[source]
parameters = {'fullname': <implant.core.Parameter object at 0x7ff315003cf8>}
coroutine remote(context)[source]

Find spec data.

class implant.core.Flag(*, default=None, encoder=None, decoder=None)[source]

Bases: implant.core.BaseHeaderItem

A boolean flag of a header.


Decode the value of that item.


Encode the value of that item.

class implant.core.Header[source]

Bases: bytes

The chunk header with flags and items.


An item of a header.


A boolean flag of a header.


An item of a header.


A boolean flag of a header.

items = {'channel_name_len': <implant.core.HeaderItem object at 0x7ff315092860>, 'compression': <implant.core.Flag object at 0x7ff315092588>, 'data_len': <implant.core.HeaderItem object at 0x7ff315092908>, 'eom': <implant.core.Flag object at 0x7ff315092390>, 'recv_ack': <implant.core.Flag object at 0x7ff3150924e0>, 'send_ack': <implant.core.Flag object at 0x7ff315092470>, 'uid': <implant.core.HeaderItem object at 0x7ff315092748>}

A boolean flag of a header.


A boolean flag of a header.

size = 23

An item of a header.

class implant.core.HeaderItem(fmt, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: implant.core.BaseHeaderItem

An item of a header.


Decode the value of that item.


Encode the value of that item.


The size of the item.

class implant.core.HeaderMeta[source]

Bases: type

Order items and set the size of the header.

classmethod apply_items_index(items)[source]

Apply the index of each item.

class implant.core.Incomming(*, connection_lost_cb=None, pipe=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdin>' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>, loop=None)[source]

Bases: asyncio.streams.StreamReader

A context for an incomming pipe.

coroutine connect()[source]

Connect the pipe.

coroutine readexactly(n)[source]

Read exactly n bytes from the stream.

This is a short and faster implementation then the original one (see of https://github.com/python/asyncio/issues/394).

class implant.core.InvokeImport(**parameters)[source]

Bases: implant.core.Command

Invoke an import of a module on the remote side.

The local side will import the module first. The remote side will trigger the remote import hook, which in turn will receive all missing modules from the local side.

The import is executed in a separate executor thread, to have a separate event loop available.

command_name = 'implant.core:InvokeImport'

Define a Command parameter.

coroutine local(context)[source]
parameters = {'fullname': <implant.core.Parameter object at 0x7ff315003cc0>}
coroutine remote(context)[source]
class implant.core.NoDefault[source]

Bases: object

Just a marker class to represent no default.

This is to separate really nothing and None.

class implant.core.NotifyEvent(**parameters)[source]

Bases: implant.core.Command

Notify about an event.

If the remote side registers for this event, it gets notified.

command_name = 'implant.core:NotifyEvent'

Define a Command parameter.


Define a Command parameter.

coroutine local(context)[source]
log = <logging.Logger object>
parameters = {'dispatch_local': <implant.core.Parameter object at 0x7ff315003c88>, 'event': <implant.core.Parameter object at 0x7ff315003c50>}
coroutine remote(context)[source]
class implant.core.OrderedMeta[source]

Bases: type

Preserve the order of instance creation.

items = [<implant.core.Flag object>, <implant.core.Flag object>, <implant.core.Flag object>, <implant.core.Flag object>, <implant.core.HeaderItem object>, <implant.core.HeaderItem object>, <implant.core.HeaderItem object>]
classmethod ordered_items(dct, cls_order=None)[source]

Sort and filter items by type and instance creation.

class implant.core.Outgoing(*, pipe=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, reader=None, loop=None)[source]

Bases: object

A context for an outgoing pipe.

coroutine connect()[source]

Connect the pipe.

class implant.core.Parameter(*, default=<class 'implant.core.NoDefault'>, description=None)[source]

Bases: object

Define a Command parameter.

exception implant.core.RemoteClassNotSetException[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when remote class is not set for CommandRemote

class implant.core.RemoteModuleFinder(dispatcher, *, loop)[source]

Bases: importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder

Import hook that execute a FindSpecData command in the main loop.

See pep-0302, pep-0420 and pep-0451 for internals.

find_spec(fullname, path, target=None)[source]

Find the spec of the module.

log = <logging.Logger object>
class implant.core.RemoteModuleLoader(source, filename=None, is_package=False)[source]

Bases: importlib.abc.ExecutionLoader

Load the found module spec.


Abstract method which should return the value that __file__ is to be set to.

Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.


Abstract method which should return the source code for the module. The fullname is a str. Returns a str.

Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.


Optional method which when implemented should return whether the module is a package. The fullname is a str. Returns a bool.

Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.

classmethod module_repr(module)[source]

Return a module’s repr.

Used by the module type when the method does not raise NotImplementedError.

This method is deprecated.

class implant.core.SetEncoder[source]

Bases: object

Encoder for set.

class implant.core.ShutdownRemoteEvent[source]

Bases: object

A Shutdown event.

Shutting down a remote connection is done by gracefully canceling all remote tasks. See Core.communicate for details.

class implant.core.StopAsyncIterationEncoder[source]

Bases: object

Encoder for StopAsyncIteration.

class implant.core.TupleEncoder[source]

Bases: object

Encoder for tuple.

class implant.core.Uid(bytes=None)[source]

Bases: uuid.UUID

A unique id, which is basically a uuid.uuid1 instance.


The timestamp of the uuid1.

coroutine implant.core.async_import(fullname, *, loop=None)[source]

Import module via executor.

coroutine implant.core.event_dispatch(event)[source]

Dispatch an event to every handler.

implant.core.event_handler(event_class, handler_=None, decorator=False)[source]

Define an event handler for a (new-style) class.

This can be called with a class and a handler, or with just a class and the result used as a handler decorator.


Make an async function call exclusive.

coroutine implant.core.notify_event(event)[source]

Notify all subscribers of event.

class implant.core.reify(wrapped)[source]

Bases: object

Taken from pyramid: create a cached property.

implant.core.split_data(data, size=1024)[source]

Create a generator to split data into chunks.


Bootstrap of a remote python process.

class implant.bootstrap.Bootstrap(code, options=None)[source]

Bases: dict

Provide an iterator over the bootstrap code.


Remove full line comments.


Remote connection is established by a Connector.

class implant.connect.Connector[source]

Bases: object

Base Connector class.

class implant.connect.ConnectorMeta[source]

Bases: abc.ABCMeta

Connector meta base.


alias of Connector

connectors = {'local': <class 'implant.connect.Local'>, 'lxd': <class 'implant.connect.Lxd'>, 'ssh': <class 'implant.connect.Ssh'>}

The unique connector scheme is the lowered class name.

class implant.connect.ConnectorParams[source]

Bases: implant.connect.ConnectorParams

classmethod create(connector)[source]

Lookup the connector for that string.

classmethod parse(connection_str)[source]

Parse the connection string into its parts.

class implant.connect.Local(*, sudo=None)[source]

Bases: implant.connect.SubprocessConnector

A Connector to a local python process.

arguments(*, code=None, options=None, python_bin=None)[source]

Iterate over the arguments to start a process.

  • code – the code to bootstrap the remote process
  • options – options for the remote process
  • python_bin – the path to the python binary
class implant.connect.Lxd(*, container, hostname=None, user=None, sudo=None)[source]

Bases: implant.connect.Ssh

A Connector for accessing a lxd container.

If the hostname is omitted, the lxd container is local.

arguments(*, code=None, options=None, python_bin=None)[source]

Iterate over the arguments to start a process.

  • code – the code to bootstrap the remote process
  • options – options for the remote process
  • python_bin – the path to the python binary
class implant.connect.Remote(*, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, loop=None)[source]

Bases: object

A remote receiving commands.

coroutine communicate()[source]

Schedule the dispatcher.

coroutine execute(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Just call dispatcher.execute.

coroutine wait()[source]

Wait for Remote to finish.

exception implant.connect.RemoteMisbehavesError[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception is raised, when a remote process seems to be not what we expect.

class implant.connect.Ssh(*, hostname=None, user=None, sudo=None)[source]

Bases: implant.connect.Local

A Connector for remote hosts reachable via SSH.

If a hostname is omitted, this connector acts like Local.

arguments(*, code=None, options=None, python_bin=None)[source]

Iterate over the arguments to start a process.

  • code – the code to bootstrap the remote process
  • options – options for the remote process
  • python_bin – the path to the python binary
class implant.connect.SubprocessConnector[source]

Bases: implant.connect.Connector

A Connector uniquely defines a remote target.

arguments(*, code=None, options=None, python_bin=None)[source]

Iterate over the arguments to start a process.

  • code – the code to bootstrap the remote process
  • options – options for the remote process
  • python_bin – the path to the python binary
static bootstrap_code(code=<module 'implant.core' from '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/implant/envs/latest/lib/python3.5/site-packages/implant-0.1.2-py3.5.egg/implant/core.py'>, options=None)[source]

Create the python bootstrap code.

coroutine launch(*, loop=None, code=None, options=None, python_bin=None, **kwargs)[source]

Launch a remote process.

  • code – the python module to bootstrap
  • options – options to send to remote
  • python_bin – the path to the python binary to execute
  • kwargs – further arguments to create the process
class implant.connect.SubprocessRemote(transport, protocol, *, loop=None)[source]

Bases: implant.connect.Remote

A remote process.


Kill the process.


The exit code of the process.


Send a sgnal to the process.


Terminate the process.

coroutine wait()[source]

Wait until the process exit and return the process return code.

coroutine implant.connect.create_subprocess_remote(program, *args, loop=None, limit=65536, **kwds)[source]

Create a remote subprocess.


